Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act or FAST Recovery Act

On September 5, 2022, California Governor Newsome signed into law the Fast Food Accountability and Standards Recovery Act or FAST Recovery Act. The purpose of the act is to form a 10-person government counsel to create and amend wage and health and safety standards, which so commonly are not firmly in place at fast food restaurants. Specifically, the law is designed to initiate fast food restaurant employment standards, including standards on wages, (minimum wages, overtime, off-the-clock work, late payment of wages and illegal withholding of wages) working conditions (health and safety standards, such as safety equipment), and training (health and safety issues, sexual harassment issues).The law came about after 10,000 California fast food employees signed a petition prompting the new law.

If you have a question about this law or any employment law issue, including an update on the law, please feel free telephone Christopher Taylor, Esq with any questions.